HOBBS COMMITS TO MILES COLLEGECaleb Hobbs (Above) Standout athlete and longtime junior golf student, Caleb Hobbs has committed to play golf at Miles College! Hobbs...
FRENCH COMMITS TO FLAGLER COLLEGEMatthew French (Above) After a stellar junior golf career and record setting high school career (Bishop Snyder) Full Time Student,...
Grip Visuals: How do you hold the club?It's very hard to hit a golf shot if you're not holding the club correctly, today we're going to take a look at the 3 main grips and how...
Make the Shot When it Matters!Imagine that you are on the last hole with a one shot lead over your friends. 110 yard shot over the water; the pin is in the middle of...
GAME MANAGEMENT: WindManaging conditions is a really easy way to lower your scores in inclement weather. Imagine your standing on the tee of a long par 4 with...
TURN FOR POWER: Where are your shoelaces?One thing that players often overlook is their finish position. Have you thought about it before? Lots of times we talk about belt...
TOOLS OF THE TRADE: My Favorite Training ToolsSometimes hitting golf balls just doesn’t get you the results you’re looking for; perhaps a training aid could help. The only problem is...
DRILL: Stop, Drop and Roll 🔥STOP, DROP AND ROLL! Not just for emergencies… well maybe this is a golf emergency. This drill is for you, if you have trouble sequencing...
BACK TO BASICS: SPINE ANGLEIf you are a player who is struggling with clean ball contact, this little tip is for you! Maintaining proper spine angle is very...
BACK TO BASICS: SET UP FOR POWERA big mistake that I see when players are trying to get a few extra yards is hitting the ball from the top; using arms and hands to gain...